Since our inception, we’ve been investing on new equipment to meet the high demands of our clientele and making sure their products meet their expectations and the expectations of their customers.
We are continually searching new markets to grow our business and with that in mind we our also searching new technologies to meet the demands of today and the future. In the coming months we are investing on new state of the art technologies that will automate some of the processes we have in house.
With 80,000 plus square feet of space to work with, we are investing in new technologies and up to date techniques in the powdercoating industry. Our diversity makes us capable of providing service for companies with many specialized needs and that will continue into the future. We want to be your one stop shop for superior low and high volume jobs.
Perfectly suited for working with all powders including challenging special finish powders.
Single, operator-friendly interface for controlling all spray system application settings, triggering, and gun mover parameters
Specifically designed for powder coating application ensures minimum resistance to powder flow.
Variety of optional nozzles provide exceptional spray pattern versatility.